102 / 13
28th Dec 2016
30th Dec 2016
Partially in response to a question on the forums. This is explaining why TPT doesn't have a simple scale, such as 1 pixel = 1 centimetre
notuseful accurate uselightspeed size supremeruler metric relative measuring science scale


  • coryman
    31st Dec 2016
    Oh wow... That's frightening
  • sentinal-5
    31st Dec 2016
    TL;DR sound in TPT is roughly 660,000 times faster than in real life.
  • sentinal-5
    31st Dec 2016
    After a brief experiment, i have concluded that the speed of sound through the "substance" that is an empty TPT screen (and before you ask, yes, i did account for the fact that an explosion accelerates an air pressure wavefront to faster than the speed of sound until its gasses have stopped expanding) is roughly 224,800,000 m/s or 75%c on average, assuming that the light behaves as though it is in a vacuum.
  • sentinal-5
    31st Dec 2016
    @coryman on the subject of the speed of sound, i meant the speed of sound changes in different materials based on density. through air at 1atm it's roughly 342m/s, but what i meant was, i wonder if there's a material with A: a linear enough molecular bond in its structure. and B: strong enough bonds between atoms in said linear structure; that sound could travel at the same percentage of the speed of light as it does in TPT.
  • Awsomeman1089
    30th Dec 2016
    The powder toy is exactly 235008 particles big.
  • pyprorekker
    30th Dec 2016
    I agree
  • jammpark
    30th Dec 2016
    so logical
  • coryman
    29th Dec 2016
    That's pretty much the message of the save. Like I said, it's answering a question from the forums, and demonstrating why this is the case
  • TheNik
    29th Dec 2016
    That's like comparing two incompatible things. Like saying: "This car is faster than two kilograms.". Taking the scale of TPT and comparing it to the real world makes just as little sense, even if it's not as obvious.
  • TheNik
    29th Dec 2016
    Even then, many things are out of scale. Nuclear bombs, for example, are out of scale with anything, or almost so. TNT, to take your example, is. But this is a game, and it's name is suffixed with "Toy", not "Realistic Everything Simulator". There are mods for that, and if any doesn't fit your needs, you can do one yourself. That's why there is no scale.