and there are many other save on fp, more useful !
You are right, it is useless, but it can be funny, amusing !
Also, i'm sorry because what happen when you start the game? You have nothing right you. And it's useless... but good idea. +1.
Congrats for ur first FP! (i don't count your bomb that stay 2 mins on FP.
it is the goal, @Pulveriheppu : it is caricatural : for all who invent new elements like TRMTRDSESQ (caricatural name) with very difficult characteristics, i want to laugh, and to do some jokes ! It is funny, simple, amusing ! That is all : the goal of a game : diverting, make it funny ! Have a nice day !
But nothing is already in the game, this suggestion is totally useless.
NOTH doesn't conduct electricity, @BillCipher !
@OmegaDeltaZero , of course not ;)