you can get to all my ship builds from this page. ill update it after every new ship i make.
you should make a carrier ship that can hold fighter ships
amazing name amazing save 1+
fixed thanks for that :) they still move but slower now
oh really... i never knew that ill do that now if i can figure it out
They still drift a bit, though. It's part of their movement code.
You know if you set the VX and VY of the neutrons to 0 using the PROP tool the neutrons won't move.
UPDATE: changed the bad looking interface with a high tech heads up display. hope you like this update.
the logo is a remake of the one i have on my starmade trident foundries community so im not changing that. but i do see what you mean with the interface on the left should i just get rid of it?
niec ships, but an300 was right, logo is terrible
Nice ships but jesus man whats with the logo and the interface to the left