-1, -2 does not represent downvotes. it means that you should read both toghether. '-1' is first, '2' is second.
So if dyst become yest it takes yest from neut zone before next neut collides. If my english were bad, sorry for that, and thank for commenting. For more information, check tpt wiki for yest, and dyst.-2
If dyst collides with neut, it has small chance to turn to yest. But even though it turned to yest, if it re-colilded to neut it becomes dyst again. So the machine requires technology to take created yest quickly than next upcoming neut. I used just 3 clone so that it produces small amount of neut.-1
I could not reproduce the reaction with an own machine. Could you please explain how it works?
used invs right up on the dyst
huh now it doesn't catch on fire