249 / 8
6th Apr 2017
10th Aug 2017
I have been experimenting with warp for a long time but this effect I found is bizzare. If this is already known about warp I'm sorry, but I discovered it on my own. I'm not sure what this can do for anyone but it seemed wierd enough to share
subframe warp sphere 1electron2orbs quantumintpt 2orbs1electron quantumtheory quantum


  • jojofishfishing
    7th Apr 2017
    @ransoshadofire That is because the warp escapes and then spawns electrons around it while what is happening in the sphere's is different. That IS what made me what to do this expieriment though.
  • ransoshadofire
    7th Apr 2017
    Deleting from the diamond shell seems to produce the same effect and cause electrons to occur randomly outside either sphere.
  • Cmdr_Hawks
    7th Apr 2017
    itd be so cool if they added some quantum physics stuff
  • jojofishfishing
    7th Apr 2017
    I have made a randomizer using this process, though it isn't very fast. ID:2124270
  • ApertureScientist
    7th Apr 2017
    Most likely a bug, it would be cool though if it wasn't.
  • jonaskoll
    7th Apr 2017
    if you deco all the warp filt and dimond, it looks like backround radiation
  • TheSpoon12
    7th Apr 2017
    The electron are never in the two sphere at the same time... that's strange
  • camtech56
    7th Apr 2017
    And for all the people who don't know what's going on with the WARP and FILT, the WARP has been created in such a way that it has every frame a 2% chance of spawning an electron. The FILT doesn't matter, you can use FRME as well.
  • camtech56
    7th Apr 2017
    When you remove a pixel of FILT, a space in the particle order is freed. When an electron is spawned, it fills this gap. However, the id of the electron is smaller than what the simulation is currently viewing. This causes the electron to not be evaluated in the frame is was spawned. It is evaulated in the next frame and is deleted, opening the particle id again.
  • camtech56
    7th Apr 2017
    @cyberdragon: I did read your comments. And no, the filter is not being shifted under the electron. The electron is being spawned over the filt. The real issue is due to particle order.