249 / 8
6th Apr 2017
10th Aug 2017
I have been experimenting with warp for a long time but this effect I found is bizzare. If this is already known about warp I'm sorry, but I discovered it on my own. I'm not sure what this can do for anyone but it seemed wierd enough to share
subframe warp sphere 1electron2orbs quantumintpt 2orbs1electron quantumtheory quantum


  • jonaskoll
    7th Apr 2017
    Very interesting, if yoo pause, remove one pixel on the left sphere and remove all filt on the right sphere and unpause it will spawn or teleport electrons to the right sphere even if this should be impossible because the electrons are created by the reaction between the filt and warp, which is not in the right sphere anymore, so it will teleport electrons anywhere in a diamond sphere? and doest have to do anything with the filt, which just creates the electrons in the first place
  • yektak
    7th Apr 2017
    If you cause the warp to leak... electrons appear on random places. Weird.. +1
  • NeoAgricola
    7th Apr 2017
    i noticed only one exists in a sphere at a time
  • jeffluo35
    7th Apr 2017
    has nothing to do with "entangled" electrons but rather the way the simulation is calculated
  • jeffluo35
    7th Apr 2017
    particle order
  • cyberdragon
    7th Apr 2017
    Also, warp spawns it's electrons before it shifts anything. It could be that the pixels of filter are being shifted into the place where the electron has already been selected to spawn at.
  • cyberdragon
    7th Apr 2017
    Apparently people never read the previous comments because I keep seeing the same things repeatedly. That is how comment sections get spammed.
  • TheVilest
    7th Apr 2017
    You can spawn more electrons by deleting more border blocks.
  • coryman
    7th Apr 2017
    The number of particles ends in 458. If you delete around 10 then unpause, it sometimes goes up to 459, or even 460. This would imply that it's not just one teleporting electron, but electrons being created randomly for one frame. Really neat save though! +1
  • camtech56
    7th Apr 2017
    Yep, this is subframe weirdness. If you use the subframe mod, the ids of all the particles are reordered every frame and the glitch doesn't okay.