249 / 8
6th Apr 2017
10th Aug 2017
I have been experimenting with warp for a long time but this effect I found is bizzare. If this is already known about warp I'm sorry, but I discovered it on my own. I'm not sure what this can do for anyone but it seemed wierd enough to share
subframe warp sphere 1electron2orbs quantumintpt 2orbs1electron quantumtheory quantum


  • cyberdragon
    6th Apr 2017
    P.S. electrons always spawn with those values by default.
  • cyberdragon
    6th Apr 2017
    There is space, it spawns inside of the filter. It just won't untill you update it (similar to a block update in Minecraft) The warp detects the new spot, tries to spawn it there, can't, so it spawns an electron inside the filter. As to why it teleports, it's probably because the code executes all warp in order down the screen as if it were together. So, since both speres have warp, it sees them both as legitimate places to move the electron.
  • jojofishfishing
    6th Apr 2017
    Yeah I don't but hey, it looks cool :P
  • QuanTech
    6th Apr 2017
    but +1 because this is noice
  • QuanTech
    6th Apr 2017
    don't even think this will lead to "quantum computing in tpt". Just nope.
  • jojofishfishing
    6th Apr 2017
    And don't think I'm hating on your answer, Im just trying to figure it out XD
  • jojofishfishing
    6th Apr 2017
    I know, I saw that too. But my question is why is the teleportation happening? It's not like there is enough space for it to actually spawn, so what triggers it? I also tested it on 4 spheres, which confused me more.
  • cyberdragon
    6th Apr 2017
    Actually, upon closer obeservation, the electron always jumps between spheres. There is only ever one electron, so sorry, no "entanglement" is invovled, just teleporting. P.S. PRESS F for still frames.
  • cyberdragon
    6th Apr 2017
    It does not always spawn in the same sphere (it can first spawn in either), but it always spawns in one then moves to the other.
  • cyberdragon
    6th Apr 2017
    The electron is not spawning in both spheres at the same time. It's spawning in one sphere, teleporting to the other one, then the first sphere spawns a new one.