I have been experimenting with warp for a long time but this effect I found is bizzare. If this is already known about warp I'm sorry, but I discovered it on my own. I'm not sure what this can do for anyone but it seemed wierd enough to share
subframe is still the same speed as this quantum teleportation, so even if you tried to harness the speed of the electrons, it wouldn't be a breakthrough. I might experiment and try to make simple circuits using electrons for computation though, just4fun :)
@jojofishing we could encode information into the electron's ctype! But it won't be of much use ;(. In real quantum entanglement, you cannot define the state of the system as a product of quantum states, but you can define the state of the system as a whole.
it can be used as gravity fields detector
interesting... +1
Oh wow @jihiro... thats wierd. I have no idea why it would do that... maybe someone who is smart enough to figure it out will come along XD
Right @-Thermite-, I'm sure they wouldn't have added entanglement but with a glitch like this it can almost be simulated because each electron is exactly the same as the last and the deletion of a particle instantly sends information across spheres.
a strong gravitational field creates electrons too. use pgrv and hold click then hold shift.
its not entanglement because if you move frame to frame the electron only exists in one at a time
this is cool, but i dont think that the developers put it in as entanglment, i think its prob a glitch
And if he is using BHOL and WHOL that means he created a Einstein-Rosen Bridge (Wormhole)