2nd season is comming soon! After 1st season (which was awesome), I decided to make 2nd season, but with huge changes and improvements. I present you list of changes, new content, 2nd season progress and I will answer your questions. Give me your ideas!
UPDATE: Research tree is done... for now.
Lasers on Linerea activated portal, wich made everyone felt explosion, but it dont happened. everything went back. Synchrom wasnt exiting. Hyperion in now one of biggest Futurtech developers. You can't change it. When S1 finished, you lost control over your S1 countries.
ermmm... lsckjy, I thought your name is hard but when i red your comments i start comparing it to your head
now that is just 1 another chain to break
but not everything.
they can't deal with time paradox. so they avoid it. they use invisiblity,disguice,anything to avoid time paradox.
@lsckjy: Why did you develop time travel if you don't know how to deal with time paradoxes.
it's just an wheel of the they. you will need to stop their pain from endless deja vu.
and their future hyperion was destroyed by world ender. and they evacuate to past. making its endless loop.