12th May 2017
10th Jul 2023
RV4 has arrived! A compact dangerous toy wall breaker and as always it includes the recoil effects present in all the rest. It is quite a bit more reliable than others and is shaped to be easier to insert into protective enclosures. Enjoy!
Use the arrow keys to fine tune where it pastes the ammo. If you make the bottom row you can copy 3 at a time, 6 at a time etc.
Oh, sorry, what I ment is that your carterges (?) are hard to understand, since your carterges do not have "gaps" betwen(Im a korean, so I suck at grammar :C ) them, but its impossable to make a stamp of a ammo and past it again and make no gaps at all. what do I do? I can't fill all the spots by hand!
The key here is that you need something like SNOW set ctype to prot or something with compressed DEUT around it. When the heat melts the snow it explodes. Thats the idea anyway.
Optimus2006, what you need to do is fill that 3X15 shell with something that can be heat/sprk detonated. Just watch how the shells are fired in the gun. The outside BRAY acts as the heat detonator that goes through the C-5 and heats whatever is inside. Its really just the thought of "this triggers this when this happens" the trigger being the heat and this being the explosive.
Its too hard to make ammo for this one. :C the ones you shoed has Too unclear examples. Please lets us know more :C
Nean: Thanks man it means alot!
Nean: they're cool, bt...all that just to make an gun which shoots bullets with piston. ._.
Yes, he put tons of effort into these railguns. They're cool.
So much of effort for a piston shoter?
just piston pushed bomb launcher...