This is making with WOOD, no vibr. When WOOD heats, WOOD's tmp is grows, and drawable temperature is 240C, because with 240C temp WOOD's tmp sets to 513, and when tmp lower 513, with PIPE replacing PIPE contains nothing.
Modern art suck , it does not represent anything else. +1 for efforts if you put some.
ha, i did some paintings with the vibr and TYPE PIPE, this is pretty easy to make
But it doesn't explain why some people would kill for one!i
For a subset of modern art, often the concept or topic in question are nebulous things like emotions or the artmaking process, which after it is projected onto the medium it takes these abstract geometric forms, thus explain why they often lok so random
I don't wanna be "that guy" but I really don't understand why that is on fp... I don't understand neither why real life modern art is exposed into museums and costs millions for some paintings
This was probably made by heating VIBR and then turning it into PIPE