86 / 38
15th Aug 2017
29th Jan 2018
roses are red, violets are blue, i see a cute pony, and so do you :P best viewed in 4 and 7
cute pony decent brony noiceartm8 guudjobmate whyhatethis awwwww


  • Locutus_Of_Borg
    16th Aug 2017
    To me, It doesnt matter what its about, just as long as its good quality
  • Locutus_Of_Borg
    16th Aug 2017
    Even though I dont like the type, +1 for quality
  • AnadiaShark
    16th Aug 2017
    You guys are acting like children. You arent forced to click on it and look at it. If you dont want to look at a pony dont open it.
  • SuperJoshiDuff
    16th Aug 2017
    go to Deviantart -1
  • blueflame
    16th Aug 2017
    +1 for the effort, -1 for my personal distaste of art.
  • Angeleyes18
    16th Aug 2017
    its a squirrel
  • Arkanine
    16th Aug 2017
    Some things are better left unsaid. With that being said i'll zip my lips, smile and wave :) +1 for the quality of the art itself, regardless of subject matter.
  • Bortan
    16th Aug 2017
    I like it, but I would personally use something darker for the background as the diamond is incredibly bright. I think tungsten might make a better background for this picture.
  • sunny1saturday
    16th Aug 2017
  • 987tails
    16th Aug 2017
    you people dont use your heads, you use that imaginary mouth to convey feelings. you dont respect the creator or his thoughts or why he did it. you either spout you like it or you dont or even just like or dislike. im telling you people to be more rational and respective to anyone who tries. im not trying to take over anything! im giving you people a reason to be more creative and do stuff others dont do. so dont let people like @Kyoryuger tell you what you can and cannot make!