A structure built for the League's scientists to conduct experiments on radioactive matter. In the building is located a high-output PHOT reactor. The building is under surveillance 24/7 and is surrounded by a 3 meter tall wall and guards on every side.
do you accept members on OITL?
armory ur best TPT player ive ever seen
@powder04 yes, just give credit and the save id in the description
hey! im baack
Can I use the guard towers from this save?
@NovaStar He actually commented on my other OITL save, but he's not an hater or anything, he did nothing wrong.
@NovaStar He actually commented on my other OITL save, but he's not an hater or anything, he did nothing wrong.
Should I report poop7?
poop please stop
NEWS:an gas experiment gone wrong and resultedin bat research damage.