Based on manga/anime Girls last tour (shoujo shoomatsu ryokou) this art contains no deco and all colors are made by using different materials and changing theyr TMP, TMP2 and LIFE (BEST IN FANCY DISPLAY!!!)
nazi anime makes sence
also kerponaut why not continue that space empire thing and get all these factions with other humans commanding them making soem nice economy and that jazz i cant fit it all here in a comment i conversed it to you kerponaut okay?
all anime is good as long as its not overlly gory and not overly cringy, or just annoying
i throught the roof lamps were ufos lol
indoors because this is based on the first episode of the anime.
Are they driving indoors, or is there a ceiling outdoors?
even trough her (chi) helmet still keeps reflecting light SCIENCE!
unpause and her only source of light goes out
We need to tags that distinguish between paintart and elementart.
Ok who ever wrote w8e8e8b into the tag box. THERE IS A SPECIAL PLACE IN THE HELL FOR YOU!