Sticks are the new meme. This is a larger, more serious stick.
@Lshh - who? Huh? XD About as well as ever, I guess. Brain is still working ;)
The new meme: Dat bird on a sticc
Hey Matera, hopefully you remember me! I haven't played TPT in a while. Nice save! Hope all is well. +1
A statue could be pretty snarky. ;) Anyhoo, I thought this one needed something lively, so I added a Bluebird of Happiness. It kinda offsets the ruined kite, which symbolizes the tattered remnants of the "American Dream"
if you are wondering why i am talking about people, look at some of Matera_the_Mad's top upvoted saves.
you should make a statue, since you make people so well +1
Despite me usually disliking (in the sense of disliking, not downvoting) art, this is actually very well drawn, and just short of photo realistic. Thus, have an upvote.
Someone needs to make a cow holding a stick.
Because. I mean, what would we do without sticks? Rub two together and you get fire, and that's the foundation of all human knowledge about physics. Without sticks, we would not have kites that get caught in branches.
why is everything stick related making it to fp