A huge brainles synth creature that is controlled by a human. Inspired By Pacific rim, Evangelion and Nausicaa of the valley of the wind)
Negative gravity field you mean? (AT FIELD!)
may this thing burn in hell... my nuke couldnt even touch it because of the negative pressure...
I havent done it yet. i just said i might make it.
@Locutus_Of_Borg: What's the ID?
With the data i have gathered trough this save, i will probably create a even stronger version of this.
it appears that it's weak to dmg, as it doesnt activate the extra repellers
my dmg/gbmb weapon scrambled the jeager, but sadly its a instant-explode
BTW Ramiel is best angel
So with that in mind, someone better make a Lance of Longinus to kill this thing. Then give it to a MP Evangleion.