@Damian97 The squared distance of point (x, y) from the center of the image (WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT/ 2) is (x - WIDTH / 2) ** 2 + (y - HEIGHT (oops) / 2) ** 2). This line sorts the pixels according to their distance from the center, then reverses the order so that the furthest pixels are drawn first, so you get the shrinking circle effect in the second-to-third image transition. Here, pixel positions are denoted by a single number i = y * WIDTH + x, so there's a bit of gymnastics to recover (x, y).
Studied your script. Most of it is pretty much understandible, however img3order = reversed(sorted(img2order, key=lambda i: ((i // WIDTH) - WIDTH / 2) ** 2 + ((i % WIDTH) - WIDTH / 2) ** 2)) gives questions. Mind explaining a little it for me?
@apple5265 First, find an image, crop/resize to 128x128 and save as png. Then use something like https://ptpb.pw/Vh1K to convert the image into printer commands (that file is specific to the demo). Then use https://ptpb.pw/Zku0 to import the printer commands into powder toy: first, clear any existing photon stack and reload particle order; then call "loadfile.lua('import_phot_data.lua'))(x, y, commands_file)" where (x, y) are the coordinates of the photon stack.
I want to proggram this beautiful work of technologly
If only we had implemented sound particles. At this point people would reproduce the dial-up noises during the print operation.
@Wheatley_The_Robot I wouldn't be surprised if there are faster color printers in TPT, especially if you consider my screen a color printer of sorts. But I'm pretty sure this is the fastest *4096*-color printer. @dareddevil7 @Mufflin @mrpickles6786 I'll take those as compliments. Thanks!
Are you shure this is the FASTEST color printer in TPT?
This is too good, please cease operations immediately. You are putting all of our livelihoods at risk by being so good.