thanks, teh coil gun is cool but i believe you misunderstood, you dont have to make the thing again, i meant some sort of cool sci-fi artifact but you dont need to do it because this will prove good inspiration to me for making my own sci-fi artifact thingy. remember you dont have to make another thingy majig, just your choice, and still its gooda.
@herp That sounds cool. I will do that soon.
henlo i have another request, can you make a sort of "warp cannon" that distorts reality for a few seconds then destroys anything caught in the distortion
@Vampireax i was made new version of entropy launcher based on yours, id:2241088
@darvosEthral I will make that soon.
thank you alot vampire, i appreciate your work!
Your Favorite Dead Space Weapon.Vampireax: