138 / 7
2nd Feb 2018
2nd Feb 2018
Cryogenics is a branch of physics chemistry that studies technologies for producing very low temperatures (below 123 K), and the behavior of the elements and materials at these temperatures.
beautiful halo cryo nothanks future minus196degrees realistic mas2015 fallout picture


  • WowNobodyCares
    5th Feb 2018
    War, war never changes...
  • MAS2015
    5th Feb 2018
    @ZillaPlayz: Almost...
  • MAS2015
    5th Feb 2018
    @icyban: Your cryogenic camera is very interesting. Congrats on the job.
  • MAS2015
    5th Feb 2018
    @Creeper8855: At the moment I am working on some POLO reactors, photonic reactors controlled with GLOW and FILT, some models of fusion reactors almost totally breakable and updating some of my saves already posted. But if some goes to the front page, I can not say. ;)
  • MAS2015
    5th Feb 2018
    @987tails: Thank you very much for your contribution, with information about the human cryogenic process.
  • ZillaPlayz
    4th Feb 2018
    What is this, Vault 111?
  • icyban
    3rd Feb 2018
    Really nice work, check out my working cryogenic chamber!
  • Creeper8855
    3rd Feb 2018
    I was wondering when your next FP would be...
  • 987tails
    3rd Feb 2018
    and using Clathrate Hydrates is preferably dangerous in terms of dehydrating the tissue. but its been possible with starfish, sea-urchins, Mammoths (preservation) and Dogs. so in order to freeze a Human being and peserve his/her tissue, you would need to follow the kinesthetic of slowing down body functions all-time by setting of below -70C decreasing so that the aging process slows down and the mind is unconscious.
  • 987tails
    3rd Feb 2018
    the problem with cryo is the nitrogen dosage. it needs to be slow but too much and youll cause damage from freezing of the body at rapid temperatures. so it needs to be a controlled variable with an accellerator.