91 / 2
9th Mar 2018
19th Jul 2018
Quick crash-course to binary numbers! This will be the last one in a while.
2147483647 60hz math electronic electronics number guide tutorial lesson subframe


  • mark2222
    9th Mar 2018
    @DoomDuck Thanks! Yes, the last activity doesn't actually explain the solution -- thanks for pointing that out! I'll see if I can include a note that "XOR outputs ON if both inputs are the same". @ibx_Hellcat Thanks!
  • DoomDuck
    9th Mar 2018
    i took computer science which helped a little bit, i did not understand the last activity but the one for the multiplied by 8 is because 8 is 2 to the power of 3 so all u need is shift the whole thing 3 places, +1 for effort and being better than all my teachers without even using body language
  • ibx_Hellcat
    9th Mar 2018
    I myself found it very useful and understandable! I upvote all your SL saves btw because you put so much effort into them and they are always really useful!
  • mark2222
    9th Mar 2018
    @RussianCosmonaut Sorry you couldn't understand it. Which part did you find confusing?
  • RussianCosmonaut
    9th Mar 2018
    I can't understand it, but i like it +1