Battleship Abbey. Have fun.
Any idea how the LIGH remains visible as a single beam? An update a while ago made it so that my ligh guns rarely generate any visible, well, ligh. It works just as well, but doesn't look as cool
NVM was able to revert it
Dang was messing with the save and saved it with some stuff turned on and broken, haven't played TPT in a long time, anyone knows how to revert a save?
can u make an virtical ship spauner in the hangar that if it spauns u need to open the door? pls :D
Update: Changed a few things in the engine, now if it blows up, the fuel tank will stop pumping fuel, so it controls the explosion
So, if you put neut in the fuel beofre starting, you can cause a meltdown. Then you start the engine as it sloqly heats up.
oh, ok
ZillaPlayz: I know, the thing is that I prefer it like this lol :P
Just a tip for better looks, but if you place wood or brick or something and do "!set type (whatever your using) qrtz", then the quartz will all be one color
ooooh ok sounds good to me :p