Go ahead and ask if you'd like to join. Give me a color and a job if you'd like to, though. I do need something to work with! For basic info, go here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZP9nwSCD8c7sirEW9wFCRW-sOxlrJwOxeD9dgYqu1E8/edit?usp=sharing
Engineer. Green. Augment: inteligence upgrade
Can you give me a color?
I would like to be mister builder man for this.
the green thingy dont work
Sure; that sounds great.
Someone is already that color, do you want cyan instead?
Color: Blue, please
I'll be a reseacher.
Dmit: The ship gets a signal froma nearby station around Norg. They are looking for someone to transport 13 crates of electronics to Fos. The payment is 1300 credits upon drop off.
So, are we ready?