A new nationwide, it'll be simple. Starting in 1933, currently I am finishing it up. ((I will include historical events, and try to make it fairly historical. As the winters will be hard.. in russia.)
kiddo you're trying to cross the alps to take out the largest industrial power, you aren't going to win easily
im going to be america i choose to be nuateral sorry about grammer but if im attacked i will join war
what can i be
The locals take up arms in the north african territory, they hold the land which contains 5,000 communist prisoners. You can do what you want with the local-owned land, *after the war it will be transfered to you.*
Spain takes control of the North African Territory.
I continue pushing along the Southern Finnish Border
We send air supplies to the encircled troops, we begin increasing conscript to 6 years for men, 1 for women, and kids MUST be in the hitler youth.
I decide to encircle the troops trapped in the alpine mountains and send supplies over to mine, as i provide my push into austria.
im joining poland
i will send 600m troops into russia