A new nationwide, it'll be simple. Starting in 1933, currently I am finishing it up. ((I will include historical events, and try to make it fairly historical. As the winters will be hard.. in russia.)
I'd send equipment (old) to the soviet union, but try to focus on italy
Sweden joins in. Finland would rush everybody they had to the front, using guerillas and since the soviet military cannot battle easily up north they would not do as well as they should be, but they're doing it.
I continue pushing along the Finnish coast, and I deploy my airforce. I begin building large bombers
Sweden tells you to back off, or they'll join.
I declare war on Finland and begin assaulting the south, deploying Tanks and infantry
They'd deny, and Sweden backs them up, Norway possibly aligned to them. **Germany would back russia**
I line troops on the finnish border and ask them to be annexed into me
Random number generator: 7/12 chance and lower they will say yes. **((They say yes))**
I accept this treaty and ask Lithuania to be annexed by me or face soviet wrath
Thasnk you, We propose a treaty to the soviet union: Share tech, they will get 50% bonus on heavy and medium tanks 100% on light, and we get 50% on all tanks too. (Research bonus, this means good tanks by 1940 or less.)