A new nationwide, it'll be simple. Starting in 1933, currently I am finishing it up. ((I will include historical events, and try to make it fairly historical. As the winters will be hard.. in russia.)
@powder You have military drafting (Ignore it) [Arrest anyone caught drafting] (Lower conscription law) [[pick 1]]
Poland demands you back off of latvia and lithuania.
I now declare war on both Latvia and Lithuania, I also make it law to serve in the army by requirement for people 18 or over. They must serve for at least a total of 3 years.
oh iraq? (Iraq is independent)
I finish off Estonia and begin lining troops on the Latvian border
You don't seem to notice? do you?
an offensive on where..?
I guess shit hits the fan, looks like i have to jump in there myself, i decide to launch a large scale offensive and put new tanks to use by the army, airforce is included as well.
We send men into austria to vienna, and quickly annex it. They welcome us, but there are still a few groups that oppose us...
AUSTRIAN COUP: 6or higher chance ir works: (3/10, it fails) The austrian gov't blames the UK for the democratic coup.