Sure NP, I've got an update coming soon, but if you break it, good on you :D
hey vibr time to try and destroy this one if I can if there is a post with it destroyed ill make sure to give you credit
Yeah i saw it, I'm impressed by the bomb, but It's gunna take forever for me to make a defence vs it
my annihilator destroyed even [ID:2305091] that almost understroyable, regenerative and layered...
I guess i could ban actually modifiying the bunker with electronics, which kind of defeats the objective, but hey w/e
I won't forbid it, you found a way to break in, cool, tbh im more than happy that it takes that teir of weapon to break through. As it happens, i know of no way to stop sublayer bombs, so give me a couple of weeks to learn how exactly to protect against them and i'l work on that. Thanks for telling me what broke it though
nothing except forbidding amtr and cray (or subframe) cant survive annihilation. but you already allowed amtr, so ill name u scared, if u will forbid it
use my save annihilator, destroying in seconds with ngrav and air on
The rest is just to look like a bunker, I found when i just posted the vibr wall noone looked. Did you work out how it worked?