This is all possible FILT color created using ctype. 1620 colors. Generator source:
Lets create filt with ctype 1 and 511
I am using color picker from deco editor to see colors value
Yse bits is used in circuits but not color. bits from 1 to 8 (<9) have exactly same color and all its combination will still have color of 0000FF
MAYBE YOUR DISPLAY CANT SHOW ALL COLORS?! look at tissue roll! saw the difference?! its colors changing by +1 to filt!
And again you are wrong becuase first because bits from 1 to 9 have color of 0000FF (in RGB)
colors bits using to count numbers in filt circuits.
or 0 0 FF in hex
dont. look. at. COLORS! look at its colors bits included! JUST FLOOW WITH CURSOR ABOVE FILT
1 in hex is 1 and 511 in hex is 1FF but bray is still have color 0 0 255
*just explain