8 / 5
5th Jul 2018
18th Jul 2018
This is all possible FILT color created using ctype. 1620 colors. Generator source:


  • ssccsscc
    11th Jul 2018
    DayTimer253 Then show more than 2k colors
  • ssccsscc
    11th Jul 2018
    Grey color can be made by only setting life of bray to lower values, but not in filt
  • archived_account
    11th Jul 2018
    there are even no white-grey colors. its possible. idk if -white(minus) will make black, but white is possible
  • archived_account
    11th Jul 2018
    try to test color bits. 1 blue and 2 green will be more green than blue. filts losing colors if its bits from same spectrum. filt CAN display more than 2k colors. otherwise repair your display matrix.
  • LBPHacker
    11th Jul 2018
    This comment thread is hilarious. I hope this settles it (though ssccsscc has already said this): FILT can't render all 8-8-8-bit RGB colours. I wrote a script for fun too and found that the ctype->colour conversion function yields 1810 different colours, but you lose some of those due to the life property not being ideal and such.
  • archived_account
    7th Jul 2018
    yeah, its inversed. negative removing bits its have.
  • ssccsscc
    7th Jul 2018
    If you do this step you will find out that filt ctype -182913 have exactly same bits that 1073558911 filt ctype
  • ssccsscc
    7th Jul 2018
    If you using windows open caluclator and switch to programmer mode. Write negative value and see binary represention then take only last 31 bit and convert it into dec. After this you will get positive equivalent to negative filt ctype
  • ssccsscc
    7th Jul 2018
    Negative value represented in filt bits is equal to some another positive value. That can be explained using knowledge of how computer stored negative value
  • ssccsscc
    7th Jul 2018
    Its work at different way