I've personally sifted through the simulation code for easy to harness randomness, but missed the BMTL-PHOT interaction. @nosomebodies found it, I just made a smaller and probably more stable randomiser. I linked the original save too, check it out.
as far as I see, yes.
@LBPHacker Let me guess, subframe suspension?
Will do, m8
@R33sesK1ng: I guess I am, bump me on irc or on discord (see bio). @DUC: Yeah nosomebodies summed it up well, basically I just duplicate a photon that already has velocity (and also life=0 so it doesn't disappear) but I don't let the photon itself update, only its clones. How I do *that* is... too much for a comment here.
If uses a down-directed PHOT ( the one red pixel to the left), prevents it from moving by DRAYing it around so it never updates, and uses exponential layered DRAY to replace the gravitons with down-directed photons in the beginning of the frame.
@LBPHacker How does the randomizer give the PHOT the velocity required to react with BMTL?
Oof im not good enough to make something like this. I can't even make a functional subframe randomiser (i've tried). @LBPHacker, Are you good at helping ppl, cos I wanna finish making an ALU 'n' it's kinda /hard/.
And of course more set bits in the 8 least significant places means a bluer colour. In the rightmost column all 8 LSB are set, hence the bluish colours (it depends on the other bits too though), and in the leftmost column all 8 LSB are clear, hence the yellowish colours (which once again depend on the other bits too). That's just how FILT renders its ctype, and as a consequence that's the colour BRCK retains.
So the distribution plotter uses the least significant 8 bits to decide where to place the BRCK (the randomiser is 29-bit but the plotter is only 256 pixels wide). Also the BRCK is coloured according to the display colour of the FILT at the time of spawning, which depends on its ctype. It boils down to the BRCK basically being sorted into columns by ctype (not its own ctype but the FILT's) and thus also colour.
What causes the colour gradient from yellow-ish to blue-ish?