Xprirlon (pronounce /Spiralum/) is a strangely explosive material found deep underground at the frozen poles of planet An'xyenth. When overheated it releases a mass of liquid that makes a high-pressure mess.
just put nitro on
Thx 4 all the positive comments guys! Ive been playing 4 2 yrs and I was just a shitty noob most of the time. Ive never gotten my save on fp before. The only time I ever got fp before was when I promoted my save on April Fools, so thx to Jacob1 and the other mods for finally noticing me!
no im not intentionally using a normie meme. it's just a great format
Ice planet with mineable explosives: *Exists* Some empire: c:
Layering is back. And I had just started to forget about it.
great stuff ! +1. loving the blocc
wow! I like that explosion! +1
GEL flies everywhere if you try that, just FYI for anyone who read explorer's comment.
can be defused if u flood it with gel
I'm bad at game mechanics, so, how does this work?