I wanted to read the story D:
no being poor sucks ur bomb is awesome
terriblegoatman: im poor also it sucks :(
read the bottom one first
( i had already bought the other parts ) , since i only needed the chain and wheels, my parents bought it, saying happy birthdayagain, i had worked so hard for the past four years to get it that i had forgot about the brithday that year. thats my story :D
welp, i was once a young boy, and i wanted a bicycle, but it was like 500 dollars, my familly was not wealthy, and in my time( lol old people talk ) that was a great sum of money, since i couldnt get the whole bike, i just asked for the spokes and frame, they let me get that, for four summers i worked, asking everyone in the neigborhood if they needed their windows cleaned, i eventually made almost enough money to buy the rest