For centuries, great mages have worked and studied in this place. One of them rid the world of much evil by imprisoning a powerful demon in the body of a toad, which still dwells here. Feel free to explore, but whatever you do, DON'T SPARK THE TOAD!
You shold run it at least once in Pressure disply (2) -- it's rather eerie when the SING sprays out.
oooooh, press 7
Wow! This is a place a my wonderfull! and me add a favourite +1
Do it again! Do it again! :D
#sparks frog# OMG I DIDNT MEAN TO DO THAT OOF +1
Dayum, Security Drone is severely depressed by the looks of it
AHA!!!!! Google iz our fren. I amused myself greatly today by adding fonts to a texter script. I wanted a nasty little 4 pixel font, and then it occurred to me that a sort of Dingbats font with useful shapes could save some time when rpeated patterns were needed. I have too many stamps already to waste space on common junk. :) Respex to jBot42 ;)
"Magic" isn't the only word used to refer to that class of supernatural things. The practitioners in the past come up with different names for it.
I can still find his saves by googling "Security-Drone the powder toy".
lol jk +1