This is a sorting algorithm demonstration tool. I made this because I wanted to end the year with a fun save. Don't give me that look, yes, I find this incredibly fun! :P My absolute favourite is Heapsort, despite the fact that it's not a stable sort.
@jacob1: A reaction fitting for a programmer :P Thanks for timing the algorithms, I probably should have done that myself. The measurements nicely show that even though Heapsort is O(nlogn) just like Quicksort in the best case, with this small a dataset its overhead is so high that it's slower than the theoretically O(nn) Selection Sort.
@schradieck: I might, but I think it's confusing enough as it is :P
Whew, this is getting more love than I expected.
This is incredible, I watched all the algorithms for like 20 minutes (maybe should have raised the fps cap). I ran all the algorithms with the same randomized input to see how fast they are. quicksort: 1 minute. heapsort: 1 minute 57 seconds. bubble sort: 3 minutes. insertion sort: 2 minutes 30 seconds. selection sort: 1 minute 19 seconds. ugly hacks: 16 seconds.
funny i see this now, as recently i've been watching quite a few videos on sorting algorithms,
R33sesK1ng: I mean circuitry glitches.
you should add an option to do a quick reverse sort, because a lot of sorting algorithims can be slower/faster sorting something that's in reverse order
@XGEM_Gaming, Not sure if it's a glitch so much as it is just... destruction...
@LBPHacker, lmao that was meeeeeeee
Heheh subframe tech makes beautiful glitches when you dump a lot of water in the computer XD