23rd Mar 2011
5th Jan 2012
No Description provided.
why does it look like he farts?
epic fail
why the hell hell does he farts XD
Don't smoke cause you'll fart? lol
lol he farts gas , if you smoke you'll fart
cool firefart +1
This is unrealistic.
and if you add up all the years in one cigeratte this is pretty much what happens while smoking and SPAM ALERT check out channel SEE YOU LATER SHIT LORDS
martie 112 have fun haveing a hole in your neck and bieing addicted and getting cancer and all becasue you got presured or you think its cool well im not gonna smoke and be more healthy
-.-' kinda childish. I smoked since i was 15, and this doesn't happen if you smoke... sure it's funny, but don't try to make people stop smoking with stuff like this... let them chose