DmitSquid has joined as Zuria in the south
oh, and a storm emerged in the north central ocean but went away
NuttyMcNuttzz That's basically what you missed
NuttyMcNuttzz Your troops have been stopped by a desert in the southern coast of the island, they will need a close by source of supplies to be able to traverse this terrain / The unknown northern nation has gained more awareness within your population Nutty, your citizens talk of a massive empire up north, built of marble and obsidian, powerful enough that they can intimidate even the most ruthless of pirates
NuttyMcNuttzz Your troops have been halted by a desert in the southern reaches of your island
thedragonsfire11 The others remain silent
and now im executing prisoners
i killed barbarians and forced them to lie about their king to politically destabilize them
then ask again what they fear