3 moves at once only, food can only be built near sources of food(rivers forests etc) Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
i order his throat slit in front of the others
The leader of their group replies to you, "Our fears are no concern of yours,"
i ask the 6 what they fear most
you can give them quick painless deaths or you can keep your promise and give them painful deaths
you can give them quick painless deaths or you can keep your promise and give them painful deaths
The prisoners are sent away, and you are left to decide how the remaining 6 should die
i begin growing impatiant and send the ones who agreed back to their lands and once they are out of sight, execute the ones who refused
thedragonsfire11 6 of them finally agree to the promise, the other 6 continue to refuse
i threaten the twelve with slow painful deaths and give them one more chance to take up on my offer
thedragonsfire11 20 of the prisoners agree, 12 of the prisoners refuse to spread the lies