3 moves at once only, food can only be built near sources of food(rivers forests etc) Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
i ask the prisoners to spread lies about their king if i return them,and if they dont, i promise to destroy their way of life
They agree that it can be done, but is the option where you gain very little, and they lose very little
i ask my generals about using them to form a treaty of sorts, land and peace for the return of their people
Your generals advise you to use the prisoners as leverage to politically destabilize the enemy king, make him unpopular somehow
i consult my army as to what is to be done with the prisoners
They will not reveal anything about their king
thedragonsfire11 Apparently, there is a 2nd barbarian army further inland, but weaker than the first one
i ask them about their king and the location of any more soldiers
thedragonsfire11 They say that their king planned to mount a defense against your push into the forests, but you were able to see through their trap