Finally 94.0 is out.This tutorial explains how to use ldtc and related stuff so that you dont need to use wiki or go through the source code.
the key to all modern devices in tpt is filter
Shmolendevice: I would like to point out that filter is one of those seemingly boring elements that turn out to be the most useful and exciting
GENERAL2920: LMGTFY... Simple DirectMedia Layer, a cross-platform library for hardware interface (graphics are most relevant here)
What the heck is SDL2?
NACEOD: good to hear. Haptic feedback is nice, it makes it easier to "count" how many menus you've scrolled through with the vibration.
*Actually presses "NO" icon but it automatically swithes to "YES"* *italian outro plays*
For those wondering of the uses of LDTC, it is actually ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to the making of smaller "single-volume" FRAM 60 Hz memory devices that don't push hundreds of FILT particles back and forth every frame, though I would have greatly preferred that an old suggestion of mine for using the life property of DRAY had been implemented instead given how LDTC uses it. I've been waiting long for this.
It's more brief than other apps use for vibration, that's the only reason it spooked me, but keep it that way it's very pleasing.
@jacob01 it's very good actually. I like it pretty much, just startled me.
cracker1000: I never told you in PM, but I couldn't ake the adaptive icons work ... no idea why. I'll try again when I upgrade Android to SDL2.