Okey so we have a very VERY complex process (or not) in which you can see how the glass is created, how the glass refracts photons and how the glass is at high temperatures. We start with sand and we finish with nothing. Very useful.
ok now the process is automatic, and if you want to stop it you will have to spark the "stop" button :)
Good one
Unnecessarily complicated machine. I love it so much <3 +1
@SD624 to make perfect glass u have to delet the presure. That's why I put PUMP in the molten process
@R33sesK1ng OMG u are so smart you probably have a 387 IQ
+1 definitely a more creative and complex contraption then the 1st version
@R33sesK1ng yes thats obvious what did you expect you are literally making me mad
if you pour molten sand glass over a slanted diamond positioned into the mold and slowly cooled it down. then the glass would come out perfectly without any of the broken glass..
I made a auto-restart one id:2419239
Molten GLAS obviously makes GLAS when you cool it down...