KEY: W = write; Write information/enter input value. R = read; Read written information as input. Sent out as output. I = in; Hard input. Inputs other than READ or WRITE. C = clear; Clear all written information. O = output; Result of read/in info.
I need to combine four BRAY channels, in which the signal appears alternately into one, and so that this channel is FILTI've been trying to solve this problem for three hours, but I decided to ask an experienced electronics engineer :)
R33sesK1ng: I need a helpppppp :G
i'm updating b/c I'm working on saves behind the scenes that explain each of these better. I'm just trying to get people to accept the challenge before hand, dawg. You got better electronic saves, homie? No. You. Don't.
@mazhetter, you got a problem? lol wassup, foo?
-1 stop being trash
@TiredTech, That's what I did, just less complicated.
For all the places where you use FILT to force the INST bray beams to go a specific direction. 1: staggering a line of TTAN with array is a pixel smaller if you use INWR:CRAY:SPRK or INST:ARAY to activate it all at the same time. 2: If you don't want to do one, just change the two lines of FILT with ever increasing ctypes, change it to alternate between 0x10000000 and 0x20000000 so as to seperate it from the memory FILT. It makes it easier to see and understand the purpose of each line of FILT.
chalege accepted with credit of coures
Update: Changed Description
woow +1