[V.3] This is the ultimate challenge. This is impossible. UPDATED!!
Put som ERTD around and spark lmao
or you can drop small amout of BOMB will break everything around the clone and put ambient heat on so will melt
ID:2453478 destroyed without any command only vent and clone and plasma around it and put ambient heat on so the gold will melt :D not cheating 10000% legal
I melted that bad b*tch ID:2451804
id:2450179 i destroyed the gold
I destroyed it. ID:2450164
And You can also use SING to destroy VOID and CLNE, then heat the diamond and turn Ambiet Heat
You can turn on Ambiet Heat and round to place any material and heat it until the GOLD melts
I destroyed it
i destroyed the bcln and void but not the dmnd, also gold melt