Im using it as my wallpaper lol
That and climate change. Why I ain't living much longer.
The issue with M.A.D. is that a failing sensor, an unstable country, or even a software glitch could end the world.
XavierIsAnIdiot: i know an Xavier, idk if hes an idiot tho
I'mma solve your fear with a chilling reality, M.A.D, or Mutually Assured Destruction, basically means nobody launches nukes at other people with nukes cause they'll shoot back and everyone's allies will get involved and yeah, world goes boom.
It's not 3.6 roetgen.... It's 15,000...
Only 3.6 roetgen. Not great, Not Terrible.
AVeryBigNurd: R U B E N S I M
AVeryBigNurd: where have i heard that before?
it's only 3 . 6 r o e t g e n