16th Sep 2019
10th Jun 2020
This is roleplay game, the creation of which I was inspired by NationWide. If you want to join, then write about it in the comments. To participate do not need Discord. Please join! Version: 1.3.0
ok then we will fight together when batu is on.
Watboi1: Yep, and maybe the barbarians too.
If we unite with batu as well we can wipe out the Horde.
IN total, i have about 1340 soldiers on watbois island. an army on the east in the sea, an army up north by the horde base and im training 1010
I mean about it: wait i can kust ask the horde and barbarians to back off or ill destroy the pact i made with them!
@Soap you can`t. They will just destroy this pact
Watboi1: All im doing is protecting against the horde, plus ive got an extra 120 soldiers on the sea on the east so i'd like to bring them back on the island.
4000* ok?
yes he can. Soap if you try to do anything against me I have like 5000 soliders.
@Watboi1 do you agree that Soap train 1020 soldiers on your island?