Credit to Swill5000, Dimanyak, AVeryBigNurd, edr-01, and Pinkcat.
Nionthus is kil
Yeah, a giant laser tends to do that
The invading ship seems to be breaking.
Not really that nice, 2 hostile forces who are bigger than you isn't that fun
Ooh nice.
watboi1 ask mt to take over haemus
Edir has always struck me as a hostile place. I wouldnt go there but i probably will have to at some point in the future, wether or not Ill survive long let alone thrive is another thing altogether.
Watboi1: You can just start a new civilization with the same name on Edir, you don't have to actually bring people from your other countries over.
I control my MATORAN and PHAROL nations. I had one on Nurr but that was lost.
Watboi1 you can control more than 1 nation