1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
FieryPowder: Capital is moved to Mumbai. China is currently not at war with any other nations. A missile is on the way to Bejing.
Soapwurmskill909: India's forces appear to have recaptured New Delhi.. until a flare appears in the sky. The capital bursts into a blaze of glorious nuclear fallout.
Umm: France easily falls, as French troops continue going around, pushing into the German heartland. American troops leave the northern beaches occupied.
And change my capital.
I will nuke China's capital as well.
First, I will send a nuke to another nation China is at war with, with the Chinese flag on it. Then, I will send a nuke to China, with that same nation's flag.
I didnt think i'd have to do this but, evacuate all military personell and nuke India's capital.
pass time.
Research offense 1 aswell, and start to capture the rest of france
Everything returns to normal with the decrease. Researching Offense 1 is currently at 10%.