26 / 2
17th Jan 2020
29th Apr 2020
1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
defcon weallgonnadie nationwide wide game


  • IcyPowder
    9th Apr 2020
    i will mass build nukes.
  • IcyPowder
    9th Apr 2020
    i never said i wanted to invade pakistan. i was planning to go around them.
  • IcyPowder
    9th Apr 2020
    also imma go around paki and leave paki
  • IcyPowder
    9th Apr 2020
    mobilize troops
  • AVeryBigNurd
    9th Apr 2020
    Supercrafter: Radar alerts you (I alert you) if a nuclear weapon is within your range. National status (deco off, filt color) is based on the corruption, economy, and stability of the nation. Missile launchers are slowly being researched.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    9th Apr 2020
    Supercrafter: The viral mixture, after attempting on subjects, finally forms a dangerous viral mixture: influenza A and the Avian flu. It's extremely infective, very deadly, but hard to spread in the Russian frontier.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    9th Apr 2020
    Umm: France is split fairly easily with little resistance. American forces arrive on the northern end. However, the forces have moved around and are attacking from the east.
  • Umm
    8th Apr 2020
    Gather up all of our Leopards (The tank) and as much mechanized infantry as possible and order them all to spearhead and to cut France in half.
  • Supercrafter
    8th Apr 2020
    Also, increase medical BUGET. Then, build a cannon where it uses missiles, but the payload is the virus.
  • Supercrafter
    8th Apr 2020
    Also, what does the radar show and what are the nation's stats?