1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
Then, build 5 of each type of nuke.
throw a mixture of viruses on Russia.
Quick Indian resistance begins blocking the campaign to control all of India'a coast. Pakistan mobilises forces to attack from the north.
The nuke heard around the world.
Tell India this is a lesson to be learnt. Advance towards india's capital whilst bombing ports and cities.
The army has moved away from Nepal, causing them to advance onto the Chinese deserts... the first time and the last time. In mere hours, the fastest built IRBM strikes a flare in the sky.. then a flash and destruction.
Launch an IRBM on nepal to tech them to never side AGAIN.
A test ICBM has hit the Antarctic frontier, displacing an ice shelf.
Nepal has joined India. This is in the span of HOURS. India needs to mobilize immediately.
From all sides, India has been attacked. China has begun arming cruise missiles (use IRBMs, they are stronger) and the massive might of the Chinese army begins to close in on the rural areas.