1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
Ok. Launch a full on attack on india, going for thier main cities, while arming a nuke.
FieryPowder: Pakistan instantly retaliates to you invading them. They possess nuclear weapons and DEMAND you get out of their lands or be faced with annihalation.
FieryPowder: Basic medical supplies have increased in production. You won't get anywhere with current medical gear..
Soapwurmskill909: In the process of return, India has attacked your ally Pakistan. If they fall, all of your controlled nations lose stability because they feel insecure.
i expand leftward.
void that last comment. I return military personnel back to china.
Start making advancements in Ethiopia, pushing from the south up.
Prepare anti-plague stuff
The plague has begun to deal damage to the Saudi military effort, and is spreading continentally.
FieryPowder: The best spot to test a nuclear weapon is the Antarctic frontier, which is doable with ICBMs. Missile launched, collision in minutes.