1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
KungZacharias: First, show activity by commenting again, then please pick 1 nation out of those you have picked.
Umm: Anti-air batteries decimate incoming nuclear weapons. Military tactics speed up French invasion.. But they won't go without a fight. Bombers of very high altitudes work to drop nuclear payloads, imminent for collision in mere hours.
The last of the blue skies. The final months of green grasses, lush forests, and tranquil mountains. Nuclear winter is approaching. Time continues. The world begins it's transition into annihalation.
======DEFCON 4======
test nuke in unclaimed lands
Build up anti air defences and build up our air force to make sure that any and all missiles get shot down before they leave the atmosphere. Focus on taking out the western frontier.
hello i would like to join the game as a swedish-danish-norwegian panic union
The Chinese have landed on Somalia for invasion.
NuttyMcNuttzz: Modernization slowly happens, reducing corruption. Building of the nuclear weapons have dealt an impact on the economy. Canada has fully joined the U.S. With the invasion continuing, soldiers begin to show signs of the now ~5000 infected virus. Medical aid may be needed.
Umm: Mass mobilization, strategies, and reinforcement of the front lines proves incredibly effective against Europe. Europe fights back with airraids, and pushing from the eastern side of Germany. Western Europe does possess nuclear missiles...