1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
Begin stationing troops in France as a precaution. Build another 10 ICBMs and 5 IRBMs. Continue th invasion of Saudi Arabia, but routinely check soldiers for signs of infection. Begin modernizing the infrastructure and all military equipement(but slowly to not destroy the economy)
Start to initiate mass mobilization, and use the Ardennes to cut off the netherlands from european support. Start to reienforce said attack line with more armored units and give them some caffine pills.
FieryPowder: Unable to move further without nuclear testing.
research better nukes/prerequisites
!Technology tree unlocked!
A small I.C.B.M flares into the skies.. and fires into the desolance of China. The first nuclear weapon has initiated the nuclear technology tree. (will take a while to create.) The first missile is from China.
War with Pakistan is settled on the Discord. Southern Pakistan remains, and they promise to help in further Chinese expansion.
Soapwurmskill909: Pakistan threatens back. They w i l l make cruise missiles if you proceed.
FieryPowder: Nuclear bombs are researched. A blueprint called the "MicroShot Missile" with an IRBM range can be passed. Basic medical supplies are increased in production, and vaccines are attempting to be made. De-escalation can prove hard.
FieryPowder: Would you like peace?